Ads are generally considered 'Election Advertising' if they are in any way related to an upcoming election.

This may include ads that:

  • Support or oppose candidates
  • Support or oppose ballot measures
  • Are partisan or non-partisan Get Out The Vote (GOTV) efforts
  • Attempt to influence political opinion or actions, within close proximity of an election
  • AND/OR any ads that otherwise require a 'paid for by' disclaimer in your local jurisdiction
  • This is NOT an exhaustive list. If you think your ad might be considered election advertising, we encourage you to default to marking it as an election ad to avoid any unnecessary delays.**

**Campaign Accounts have all ads automatically marked as 'election advertising'. If you have a use case for running a non-election ad under your Campaign Account, please reach out to us here.

It's important to note that what is considered 'Election Advertising' for political advertising purposes may be different than what constitutes 'Election Advertising' or 'Electioneering' for purposes of financial disclosures or other legal compliance.

It is possible that an advertisement may be deemed 'election advertising' for political advertising purposes but not be considered 'election advertising' or 'electioneering communication' by relevant compliance organizations to which you are subjected. We reserve the right to ask you to update your ad creative to meet 'election advertising' standards at any time and at our sole discretion.