In short, yes. Political Advertising is subject to review and approval by both the Turn It Blue Ads team AND our supply side / publisher partners.
That said, Turn It Blue Digital's political-first ads platform is set up to streamline this approval process and ensure your campaign's success! We will always do our best to work with you to ensure your ads meet all political declaration requirements and run without delay.
To help expedite this process, we ask that your ads meet the following standards:
- Ads must not be demonstrably false. Deceptive or misleading ads and/or morally reprehensible ads are all prohibited. Political advertisers may not run verifiably false content. For example, ads that encourage people to vote on the wrong day are prohibited.
- Ads must be registered and transparent. Turn It Blue Ads provides the option to designate ads as 'Election Advertising' during your campaign setup. It is the client's responsibility to ensure this designation is accurately applied so that Turn It Blue Ads can register the ad appropriately with our Supply Side and Publisher partners.
- Ads designated as 'Election Advertising' will automatically have the DAA (Digital Advertising Alliance) purple political ad icon applied to their creative. An example is below. To learn more about the DAA Political Ad Icon, please visit
- Ads designated as 'Election Advertising' are also required to fill out an additional political declaration form, with relevant information about the advertiser. This information is collected during the standard campaign creation process inside the Turn It Blue Ads platform and will be displayed as public information to those that click on the DAA Political Ad icon within the ad.
- Ads MUST have a 'paid for by' disclaimer clearly visible on any banner ad, and/or on-screen for at least the final 4-seconds of any video ad.
- Please Note: This policy is uniformly enforced even in the rare circumstances that your local jurisdiction doesn't require a 'paid for by' disclaimer.
**If you do NOT correctly designate Political Ads during the campaign creation process, there is a risk of substantial delays and other consequences. Per our Terms of Service, any client that purposely tries to bypass political ad requirements is subject to immediate suspension of their account and loss of all future advertising privileges on our platform.