As of April 2024, Turn It Blue Ads now supports Conversion and Acquisition campaigns (commonly known as 'CPA campaigns') for Agency Partner and Organization accounts. This new feature allows you to optimize for specific actions—such as donor contributions, email list growth, event RSVPs, or pretty much any other targeted action—all within your usual Turn It Blue Ads experience!

This is an advanced feature that should only be utilized by those familiar with running programmatic acquisition campaigns. While it can be a great tool for experienced users, it can also be very nuanced and risky for those who are not familiar with the best practices. Importantly, we do not guarantee any particular performance, nor do we refund for campaigns that did not perform at your expectations.

To set up a conversion or acquisition campaign, build your campaign as you normally would (click here for a step by step guide), but choose "Conversion / Acquisition" in the Goal Optimization section in step 2.

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Next, you will be asked to set a CPA Goal and set up your conversion pixel. 

Your CPA goal must be at least $5, however you are likely to achieve better results by choosing a CPA goal in line with industry benchmarks. For example, according to the reputable M&R Benchmarks report, programmatic display fundraising conversion campaigns have an average CPA goal of $102 per donation, while programmatic video and CTV are much higher because they often lack the ability to click-through to achieve a conversion. Before you choose your CPA goal, you should do research into what numerical goal would be best for your campaign and your overall objectives.

Your cost per acquisition through programmatic advertising (what we offer at Turn It Blue Ads) will likely be higher than what you would see with social media ads, or straight list purchases...however the targeting is much more granular and can get you access to new audiences that normally don't convert through petitions or social media ads. We recommend using our custom audience builder to target harder-to-reach demographics such as 18-45 year olds, BIPOC, low- or high-income targeting, and non-english speaking households.

The Conversion Pixel provides a mechanism for the Turn It Blue Ads system to communicate with your action events to measure the success of your conversion campaign. This pixel goes in the header of your post-action landing page (i.e. your 'Thank You' page) and should trigger immediately upon successful completion of the action you are seeking, such as a form submission or a contribution being processed. Always verify that your pixel is installed and receiving accurate conversion data. If not, your campaign will not optimize correctly. 

Please note: Turn It Blue Ads can not assist in placing your conversion pixel, nor do we take responsibility for campaigns that do not install and configure their pixel and/or trigger actions correctly. 

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Once you have generated and placed your pixel, your verification will begin, and you will be notified when your pixel placement is confirmed or if there are any issues.

After setting up the details above, you can continue creating your campaign just as you normally would set up a Turn It Blue Ads campaign with any other goal optimization, up to and including paying and launching your campaign. If there is an issue with your pixel after you have paid and launched, your campaign will not begin running until your pixel has been corrected and verified.