To begin setting up your campaign, you want to click "New Campaign"  or "Launch Campaign" on your Turn It Blue dashboard.

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Next, you'll be asked for a little information about your campaign - Fill in your...

Campaign Name: Just name your campaign something (for internal use), and choose whether you want to run CTV and Streaming ads or Programmatic Display and Video ads.
Campaign Type: Please note, you can run display and video ads within one campaign, but you cannot run CTV and Streaming ads AND programmatic ads in one campaign. You will need to set up two separate campaigns.
For agencies and organizations: you will also be asked to choose your Advertiser in this step.

Flight Dates: These are the dates your ads will be live. Remember it takes up to 24 hours for your ads to go through audit, and we recommend ad flights of at least 10-14 days to ensure they can optimize effectively.
Budget: Your budget can be anything $500 or greater. If you aren't sure how to choose your budget, check out our Estimator Tool.
For Agencies - you will also be asked to choose their agency margin in this step, right after choosing the budget. Learn about margins here: Can I add an agency margin to my campaigns?

Then click "Next". Your campaign will auto-save in each step of the builder. 

If you chose Programmatic Ads in Step 1, you will need to select whether you will run Display Ads, Video Ads, or both.

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After you select an ad type, more information will appear on this screen for customizing your ad sets below. You do not need to change anything with this section unless you want to.

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Then, just click "Next in the bottom right-hand corner to move to Step 3.

In Step 3, you will start to build your audience. 

You can choose to ADD or EXCLUDE geographical areas (including state, congressional district, state legislative district, cities, and zip codes) based on your specific needs. You may add or exclude as many areas as you would like, as long as your universe stays sufficiently large for your ads to deliver.

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When you have added your geographical area, just click "Next" in the bottom right-hand corner to move to Step 4.

In Step 4, you will choose your Audience Type.

To build a new audience, you can choose from a range of choices, including our one-click curated audiences, your own custom audience, Voter File & CRM List Match Audience (now at no extra cost!), or a re-target audience from your website. 

If you created your audience in advance, you'll scroll down to choose "Use a Previously Saved Audience" then select your created audience.

When you have chosen your audience, click "Next" in the bottom right-hand corner.

In Step 5 you will choose your creative files to associate with this campaign.

We've worked to make sure you have plenty of options to design creative right inside the platform or upload pre uploaded creative that you'll love. 

  1. An easy and low-cost way to build your own creative files is to use our Canva-based ad templates, purchasable from the Creative Shop. Once you've purchased your templates, you can edit them using Canva's free drag-and-drop graphic design tools

  2. Did you know you can use Canva to create your ads right in the platform? Note: You'll need a Canva account to use this feature. Canva is a free tool, and if you don't already have an account, you'll be prompted to create one.
To add design new creative, click the button ' Create New Creative'.

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This will open a new window, where you will choose which type of ad you want to create - banner or video.

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From there you will have the option to choose to utilize Canva or the Creative Shop. 

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You can, of course, use any graphic design or video editing tools you have available to create ads you love and upload them to the Turn It Blue Ads platform in this step as well. If you have previously uploaded your creatives, you can assign those to the campaign by clicking "Assign Creatives" for each ad set.

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When you are finished assigning all of your creative files to your ad sets, click "Next" in the bottom right-hand corner.

In Step 6, you will review the campaign information to be sure everything is correct. Double check your budget and run dates, especially! When all of this is correct, click "Next" in the bottom right-hand corner.

Last, Step 7 allows you to pay and launch your ads. If you have funds in your wallet, you can easily apply those funds here. Otherwise, you can pay by another available method in this step. 

We have simplified the payment options —with incentives for pre-loading your account’s Wallet with funds or using Direct Bank Debit (ACH) without fees! Don’t worry- Credit Card payments are still accepted but with a small processing fee.

If you would like to add managed service (Read: What is the difference between Managed Service and Self Service?), you can toggle that button to "Managed Service" before clicking "Pay and Launch Campaign."

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Once you have set your payment method, just click "Pay and Launch Campaign" for your ads to go live after a brief audit period.

Once you have launched, your ads will begin delivering in approximately 48 hours—this hold is due to mandatory ad review processes set in place by The Digital Powers That Be, and are out of our control.

If you do not begin to see analytics in your dashboard after 48 hours, contact our support team for help (