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If you receive an error that says "Email not found, please check again," you are likely having one of two problems.

First, it's possible your account has not been approved for activation yet. All ads accounts must be reviewed by someone within the Turn It Blue Digital Team to ensure the account represents a real, United States entity. If your account has not been approved yet, you may receive this error until your account is approved, which typically takes approximately 24 hours.

If you have logged into your ads account before, and therefore you are sure that your account has been approved and activated, the next step is to be sure that you are entering your email address correctly and exactly as you entered your email when you signed up for your ads account. For example, signing up for an ads account with the email will produce an error if that user attempts to log-in using,, or any case-specific variation of the email address.

If you are certain you are entering your email accurately and exactly as you entered it when you signed up for your ads account and you are certain your account is active within the Turn It Blue Ads System, please reach out to your account administrator or to our team at for help.