Every display ad you upload for use in the Turn It Blue Ads platform will need to meet three key ad specifications: file dimensions, file type, and file size. Your ad files must meet these three specific parameters in order to work properly in available inventory.

  1. File Dimensions - this specification refers to the actual shape of your ad on the screen. Display ads are measured in pixels (abbreviated "px"). Pixels are a unit of measurement commonly used in graphic and web design, equivalent to roughly 1/96 inch. This measurement is used to make sure a given element will display as the same size no matter what screen resolution views it.
  2. File Size - the file size refers to the amount of data in any given file. Digital files are measured in bits (very, very, very small pieces of data) and bytes (very small pieces of data). Files that are too large won't load appropriately and will negatively impact your ad results. 
  3. File Type - the type of file is simply the way the data is saved and stored. Different file types work in different ways, so it's important that your file is saved in the appropriate file type for it to work appropriately. If your file type is incorrect, there are plenty of free options to change your file type quickly and easily.
 Need a full set of custom display ads? You can purchase from our Creative Store here. Our full set includes six sizes, let us customize your ads to meet your specific requirements and enhance your reach. Our meticulously crafted display ads are optimized for both clicks and visibility, ensuring that your message captivates and resonates with your target audience.

1. File Dimensions

There are five standard display (banner) sizes that account for the vast majority of available ad inventory and should be included in every creative set. These sizes are described in pixels, with the first number representing the width of the ad and the second number representing the height of the ad. These specs must be precise—that is, if your ad is even a few pixels off, it will be rejected by the ads platform and will fail to deliver.

The five standard display ad sizes your campaign needs: 

We've linked each size below in a template you can copy and get designing! Please note, a Canva Account sign is required. To learn more about Canva, click here.

  • We require at least THREE different sizes of display ads in your media mix for the best coverage. 300x250, 320x50 and 300x600 are typically the best performing sizes.
  • Including a mobile leaderboard size will increase your mobile inventory availability tremendously.
  • If your ad design's background is partially or fully white (#FFFFFF) or black (#000000), you will need to include a 1px border around your design.

2. File Type

Display ads must be uploaded in either .gif, .jpg, or .png formats.

If you are using a .gif file with any moving animation, the following rules also apply: 

  • Maximum of 15-seconds of run-time (all animations must fully STOP after 15-sec).
  • Maximum of 3-loops (still within the max 15-sec run time).
  • No audio is allowed.
  • If a political ad, the ’Paid for by’ disclaimer must be visible on ALL frames

3. File Size

Display ads must be no larger than 1 MB for each unit. If you aren't sure how large your ad is, you can check by viewing your file information on your computer.

If you're using a PC: Navigate to the Windows File Explorer and locate your file. Right click the file and select "Properties," then locate the file size in the pop-up window.  

If you're using a Mac: Navigate to the file in your Finder window, then right-click the file name and click "Get Info" to view the file size.

As a handy guide for digital size conversions, 100,000 bytes = 100 kilobytes (KB) = 0.1 megabytes (MB) = 0.0001 Gigabytes (GB).

If your size is listed in multiple megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB), it is WAY too large, and you'll need to size the file down dramatically.

If your file is larger than 1 MB, you will need to compress your file to make the file smaller for use in the Turn It Blue Ads platform. There are many free file compressors that you can find online, including CompressJPEG.comCompressPNG.com and GIFCompressor.com.

There are three ways you can create your display ads:

  1. Consult with our design team for a custom set of display ads created by our award-winning design team.
  2. Purchase one of our fully customizable design templates in the Turn It Blue Ads Creative Shop.
  3. Use the templates linked in #1 at the top of this article to open a pre-sized blank image in Canva (a free design tool!) that you can use as a starting point to build your own ad set.

Want help with your creative services?

Check out our Creative Shop inside your Turn It Blue Ads account, or send us an email at creativeshop@turnitbluedigital.com to talk with one of our Creative Concierges!