Sometimes we need fresh sets of eyes on our data, or we simply need to give someone access to view reports without requiring data manipulation. The easiest way to share reports with someone on your team is to invite them to your ads team as an Analytics Manager. This will allow a user to access your reporting dashboard as needed, as well as the ability to export reports. The Analytics Manager user access restricts the user's ability to build or launch campaigns, edit user data, or utilize payment methods. For further guidance on inviting a new user to your team, please see this article: How do I add someone to help manage my ads?
But, in an instance where we need to share a one-off report with someone quickly, there are a few quick ways to do this.

First, navigate to your analytics dashboard by clicking either the "Analytics" option in the left-hand menu or clicking "View Your Analytics" on your home screen.

This will navigate your browser window to your "Analytics Overview" page, which will provide a drop down menu to toggle between your individual campaigns. 

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Next, to see specific data and share reports and analytics with others, you can click on "Detail" next to the campaign name. This will navigate your browser to your analytics dashboard for the specific campaign, called the "Campaign Overview."

For Campaign and Organization Accounts, once you are in the Campaign Overview, you can share your analytics one of 2 ways: 

  1. Share Campaign Overview Dashboard. Use the grey button in the top right corner of your Campaign Overview dashboard. This button will provide you with a quick link to current reporting that you can easily blast out to your kitchen cabinet if they are not already users on your ads team account. Those who view this link wont be able to access any other aspect of your campaign, nor the details of each reporting category, but it is a great way to show campaign top-line metrics to interested parties.
  2. Export PDF Report. Use the dark blue button in the top right corner of your Campaign Overview dashboard. The system will generate a PDF download showing your data, along with some basic information about industry benchmarks and details explaining what the data means. You can then print this report, email it as an attachment, screen print it on t-shirts, whatever floats your boat.
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For our Agency Partners, you can now view all your campaigns in a quick-glance format, eliminating the need to toggle between campaigns for key details. You will also now see pacing indicators, showing how. your campaigns are running so you can prioritize your optimizations.

Most importantly, you can export this data as a CSV report and apply filters based on advertiser, date ranges, campaign status, and more.

To get to the Share Link and PDF export reports for specific campaigns like mentioned above, simply click 'Detail' next to any campaign and you'll arrive at the visual campaign dashboard.

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