For Campaign and Organization Accounts, the Analytics Dashboard will display the top-line key performance indicators for each campaign's total lifetime. To get a more granular view, the dashboard can be easily filtered by campaign and date range, as seen in the example dashboard below.

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To view more granular reporting, dive into 'Detail Reports' for most individual metric categories. Simply filter to your desired campaign and date range and then click the "Detail >" button to the right of the metric you're interested in.

In the image below, we've filtered the date range to between 10/25 - 11/2, and are diving into the detail report for the Total Ad Impressions metric.

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For Agency Accounts, We’ve introduced a new and improved Analytics Dashboard. You can now see all your campaigns in a quick-glance format, with all the key details on one page. After scrolling to the right, you will see high-level indicators for each campaign, including impressions, views, vCTR, frequency, etc.Image Placeholder

Agencies now can export this data as a CSV report and apply filters based on advertiser, date ranges, campaign status, and more.

Agencies can also upload their logo to display on PDF and 'Share Analytics' report exports.