Turn It Blue Ads Organization Accounts help groups that support MULTIPLE candidates or issues at once. These accounts are for groups like Emily's List, Sierra Club, County Democratic Parties, or Legislative Caucuses that may be working to support a variety of candidates or causes in different campaigns over multiple cycles.
Here are a few examples of Organization Accounts:
—Colorado House Majority Project
—Annie's List
—United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters
—Fair Fight PAC
We recognize many large organizations have complex structures and reporting requirements, so organizations have the ability to set up multiple political disclaimers and reporting entities under one account. This will allow organizations to run campaigns in a way that best fits their specific needs while remaining compliant with all of their applicable regulations and laws.
Who should not set up an organization account?
—Political professionals who are setting up digital ads on behalf of paid clients. An Agency Account is the right choice for you.
—Single-entity ballot initiatives, referendums, or candidate committees. A Campaign Account is the right choice for you.